I can’t believe how easy it is to use a furnace

I literally cannot believe how easy it is to use a furnace.

I know that I am very late to the party.

The furnace that I just had installed in my house is the first furnace that I have ever owned. I am an older man, and I have never used a furnace in my life. I grew up in a very old-school style of home, and we never used a furnace. My dad did not trust electricity or the furnace, and we only used a fireplace in our house. When I moved out of the house, I had a house with electricity, but I still used a wood stove to heat my house because I did not trust the system as my dad did. For years, I would spend months cutting down and stacking enough wood for my heating system. I had to wake up early in the morning to light my fireplace, and it would always be freezing cold for a long time. However, I learned a lot of tricks, and I grew used to that heating system. In fact, I didn’t mind using the woodstove until I was too old to do all of the work required to own a wood stove. I finally called the HVAC technician, and he installed a furnace for me. The furnace is so convenient. I can adjust the temperature, and the furnace does all of the work of heating my house for me. The furnace works silently, and I never have to worry about my house being cold when I wake up. Sure, the furnace costs more to use because of the fuel, but I retired with enough money not to worry about it. I love the new furnace in my house.
Air conditioner tune-up